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List of super foods that can be added into your diet to provide a range of amazing health benefits and add more flavour. Each has its own unique taste, colour and can be found in most supermarkets or health food stores.


  • Super food berries are high in antioxidants, protect our cells and DNA.

  • Contain fiber to maintain a healthy digestive system.

  • Raspberries, acai berries (pureed or powdered), goji berries, blueberries and strawberries.


Before you think, 'why am I eating seeds, I'm not a bird', you should know they all have heaps of health benefits and can be added into recipes to keep you fuller for longer.

  • Chia seeds contain lots of fiber, all 9 essential amino acids, omega 3 which improves heart health. Also packed full of vitamins are minerals.

  • Flax seeds contain omega 3 and are high in fiber, lowers cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

  • Pumpkin seeds (pepitas) contain protein, vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and iron, amino acid called tryptophan which increases hormones needed to help sleep.

  • Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E which has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes healthy skin and hair, protein and heart healthy fats.


Any of the following powders can be added into the recipes posted to provide extra health benefits!

  • Cocoa powder is a great source of magnesium. Can be used in smoothies and baking. It does have a fairly bitter taste so start off with a small amount and add a sweetener (syrups) if you want.

  • Maca supplies vitamins and minerals that help the function of the body's hormones. It has a honeycomb/ caramel type of flavour.

  • Spirulina contains all 9 essential amino acids and iron. It is a great supplement for vegan/ vegetarian diets.

  • Greens powders are a great source of antioxidants. Help you absorb more/ extra nutrients from vegetables and fruits. Boosts your immune system and energy.

  • Protein Powders should not replace sources of protein but be an addition to a balanced diet. It can help repair and build muscle. Ensure you find an organic brand with no added sugars. I recommend the brand tropicoa or happy way, they both provide a range of delicious flavors. Happy way has a 'travel pack' which is great as it's cheap and provides all the flavors. Protein powders could be used in a meal before sports.

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